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A message from our President: PJ Hassard

It has been another hard year for agriculture with a number of large issues affecting the industry as well as individual commodities. However, the early abundance of rain indicates that perhaps the sector can look forwards to an optimistic and good start to 2023.


If there was one major lesson we can glean on through 2022 is the collective power of the industry. Kwanalu has worked with commodities and members in tackling issues that have a significant impact on the livelihoods of members, communities and the industry. While the clock of essential change ticks slowly, the in-roads that this collective effort has made in getting the message across to the relevant departments has been significant. We truly are stronger together and efforts made as individuals, groups and teams that represent the sector as a whole, go a long way in paving the way for essential change.


Looking forward into 2023, it is hard to summarise how much work still needs to be done for the benefit of KZN’s agricultural and rural sectors; however, there are a few that bear mentioning as issues that impact the sector as a whole.



  1. While the Expropriation on Bill has quietened down, we cannot rest on our laurels as it has not gone away.
  2. The introduction of possible water taxes and permits are on the horizon and is a concern for the entire country’s agricultural production and food security.
  3. Security is a matter of importance every year and there are always areas of improvement to maintain the safety and prevent losses on farms.


Kwanalu will ensure that its members remain alert and up-to-date on these developments and we will all need to collectively and proactively ensure that the voice of agriculture is loud and clear.


Despite the challenges we have experienced this year and those to come, the festive season is an exciting, and sometimes rare occasion, to take some time to spend time with loved ones, reflect on positive moments and memories, and refocus towards the continued success and strength of the agricultural sector into the coming year.


Wishing you, your families, staff and all those that play a role in the sector a very merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!